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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

Our Blogs

5 Things That You Might Not Have Known About the Clay Media

We love being a part of our client’s successful businesses, and knowing that our web…

Trusting your Business to the Right Web Development Team

It’s becoming more and more common within businesses around the world; and not just for…

The Web Design Process at The Clay Media

Our Orange County web development services never stop. Whether our CEO Chris is communicating with…

Orange County Website SEO the Natural Way

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, or SEO as it’s commonly referred to; many…

How Much Content is Too Much Content?

It’s a well-known fact that search engines really love content. In fact they love content…

Creating a Healthy Website

When asked what a healthy website is, most people won’t know how to answer. A…

What is a Google Page Rank

You may have heard of the term – in fact you might even own a…

The Importance of Content for SEO

People have been practicing search engine optimization for roughly a decade now, and the only…

What is SEO

It’s a little known secret, but SEO isn’t actually something that’s been developed by search…

Our Unique SEO Formula

You may have heard a little about our SEO formula over the past few weeks…