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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

5 Things That You Might Not Have Known About the Clay Media

We love being a part of our client’s successful businesses, and knowing that our web development services have helped them to find success is a very big deal for us. We also really enjoy our engagement and interaction with our clients, and that’s why we wanted to share a little bit more about ourselves and what we do as Orange County web design services.

Number 1 – Our Teams

Our CEO and Founder Chris Clay is a family man at heart. He worked tirelessly to bring The Clay Media together in the hopes of providing clients with a well-rounded media organization. Thanks to his hard work, we now have a full team of website developers, a team of writers, a team of specialists and several supervisors. Our team are all like a big happy family, and we designate tasks as they come in to the right departments so that our client’s needs are taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Number 2 – Our Costs

We really understand how important it is to remain as friendly on the wallet as possible – especially in this current climate. That’s why we employ a team of researchers to find the most reasonable prices around, and then we base our own prices on those results. This means that not only are our services world-class; they are also incredibly affordable too, considering the hours that we put in and the personal approach that comes as standard for all of our new and existing clients.

Number 3 – Our Location

We are Orange County website design services by trade, and our position within one of the most active communities throughout the entirety of the United States, means that we are always up to date. Orange County has become a hub for IT, and that’s how we keep track of our international employees – even across four different time zones. We want to ensure that everything is running as smoothly as possible for our clients, so our supervisors take digital shifts to keep the ball rolling at all times.

Number 4 – Our Availability

Our doors literally never close. In fact, even our CEO remains reachable by staff out of hours so that he can lend his expertize whenever it’s required. Our team are spread around the world, so that wherever our clients are, or whatever they may need; there will always be someone on hand to take care of their requirement as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Number 5 – Our Goals

We enjoy success, and without our clients we wouldn’t be where we are today. That’s why we are very grateful to each and every client that decides to choose us as their service provider. We constantly strive to improve our business model, and we are always introducing new measures to get the most for our operations and for our clients too. For example, we’ve just released our latest service aptly titled ‘Natural SEO’. This service is available for new and existing clients, and we can now help you to climb the Google ranks via natural SEO techniques that never risk penalty or punishment! Visit for more information!

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