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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

Why You Need To Have A Mission-Driven Marketing Strategy

Supporting a cause has actually loads of benefits to your business. These benefits include:

1) Increased profits – Customers feel good purchasing from a product or service that actually cares and has a purpose outside of selling.

2) Increased loyalty – Because customers feel good about purchasing from a company that actually cares, mission-driven marketing helps increase their loyalty to the brand to the point that they eventually become evangelists.

3) More new clients – Mission-driven marketing also helps attract new customers because of that “feel good” factor they will get once they make a purchase.

4) Stronger awareness and positive image – It also helps in expanding brand awareness even outside your target market and strengthens your company’s overall image.

5) Attraction and retention of good employees – Internally, mission-driven marketing also has a positive impact among your employees. It makes them feel good and motivates them to be working for a company with a mission. This also encourages potential employees to be part of your company and your mission.

6) Heightened investor interest – Having mission-driven marketing also helps captivate investors into investing in your company. A company’s dedication to social causes is a great plus factor for investors.

Overall, mission-drive marketing opens up unexpected opportunities to network with more people, especially with the affluent. Also, it adds more character and “humanity” to your brand, which customers and investors prefer than businesses who don’t have mission-driven marketing strategies in place.


What social causes are your company passionate about? Share it with us in the comments section below!

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