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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

Why You Need Emotional Factors In Your Sales Campaigns

Everyone is influenced by emotions when buying, even the affluent. These emotional factors, or “e-factors”, the affluent have are the following:

  • insecurity
  • fear of being found to be fakers
  • desperate desire not to commit a faux pas
  • wanting to be “today, not passé”
  • feeding their emotional emptiness
  • giving themselves gold stars
  • what’s the point of being rich?

It is important that we give much thought to how we present our products and services to our target audience, especially the affluent and keep it in sync with everyone’s and the affluent’s e-factors.

Have you been employing emotions in your sales campaigns? How did it work for you and your sales? Share with your insights and experiences in the comments below!

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