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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

Why Business Owners Ignore The Obvious

I’ve worked with many CEO’s and business owners.  What’s most interesting is that many of them openly admitted to not having much marketing knowledge.

While that isn’t surprising. What is surprising is the number of them who reject the century old marketing principles and systems I would advise them on using.

Instead they typically settle for what they are most “comfortable” with, which is typically uninspiring, middle of the road, bland, “messaging” that doesn’t call attention to anything in particular, and for that reason, doesn’t “Attract” or “pull” much of anyone to their business, solely based on the marketing they have in place.

Is that you? Are you a business owner who is satisfied with little to no results with the marketing you do because at least the marketing “looks good”, or “seems” like it would work?

In order to attract more leads and customers, online you need to follow a simple formula:

Traffic + Offers = Conversion of new leads and customers

Typically in a business, it may have traffic, but then it won’t have offers.Or it will have offers, but it won’t have traffic.

You must have both. It’s not possible to work wonders with someone’s businessif there is no “traffic” coming to it.

Seo is a very very very slow and arduous process and it won’t give you the ROI on yourinvestment the way “paid” traffic will.

It’s important to understand that and get used to it, if you want to have success in the arena of marketing your business online.

If you’d like to receive some more information or would like a consultation with on of our online specialists, please email us here:

Give us an outline of what you need.


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