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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

What is Strategic Planning

If you own your own business, you’ll obviously want it to expand in a healthy, constructive fashion. Where many business owners and entrepreneurs prefer to jump in at the deep end and see what happens – others prefer a little more strategy to their actions, and that’s where strategic planning comes in useful. But what is strategic planning, and how does it work? Well at our offices here in Orange County, our web development team are experts at the activity, so let’s get to know what they do.

Setting Goals

The goals of your business are often the most important element to consider, as they will define where you would like to be in the future. Without knowing where you want to be, you might struggle to get there! So it’s important to decide on where you’d like to be financially, and then follow the steps below to get there.

Creating a Team

It’s not always an option for one person to manage a business whilst performing all of the services too. That’s where creating a team comes in handy. If you’d prefer not to employ permanent staff, then you can always take on freelancers that perform their tasks if and when required. This method will allow you to delegate tasks as they come in, and the main benefit is that you can even add a surplus charge on top of what you pay your freelancers, so that you attain money in your sleep. This strategy is often used by larger businesses, who pay their employees a set fee, whilst taking the difference in rates to put back in to the business.

Planning Product Launches

Whether you sell physical products, or provide a digital service – it’s incredibly important to plan for your product launches. Invest in marketing schemes that have a proven track record, and consider seeking professional advice to ensure that your launch goes off without a hitch. If you are marketing to potential clients, then be sure to use effective sales methods. You’ll find these services on our SERVICES page at

Separate Personal from Professional

Most of us are guilty of taking work home with us – even more so if we work from home. It’s very important to learn to separate the two, as your businesses’ health will rely on you being in a fit condition to manage it. Create a business strategy that includes dates and deadlines. Refer to this strategy as often as possible, as it will help you to keep your business where it needs to be – on track at all times.

Your business strategy will involve a whole host of elements, from sales and marketing techniques, all the way to product planning and releases. At The Clay Media, we make it easy for you to enjoy business, by offering our web hosting, design and development services – so get in touch if you need help with a new or established business!

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