The Only 5 Things You Need to Master Sales Follow-Up

These 5 “not-so” secrets shared by Dan Kennedy will revolutionize and transform any business as long as these secrets are combined into one cohesive, automated, fail-safe system.

These 5 secrets are:
1) Master the art of “cherry-picking” – Your sales team should not only focus on hot leads alone. You should dedicate some time to those warm leads as well, even if the work is tedious and requires follow-up grunt work. Why? It’s because effective sales teams work that way–they get the hot leads AND never let warm leads go cold.
2) Timing is everything – When leads are ready to buy, you should always be ready to sell to them. In other words, your sales team should learn to follow up religiously.
3) Integrate sales and marketing – Instead of gnawing at each other, sales and marketing should work hand in hand in closing the gap on ALL your leads–may they be hot, warm and cold–especially the warm ones because these are the critical leads.
4) Have an updated customer database – Organize and update all information in your customer database. This way, it would be convenient for anyone in your team to know all the info they need on a certain lead and best ways to approach them.
5) Education, repetition and variety – Always provide valuable information, repeat when necessary and use multistep follow-up sequences that incorporate and orchestrate direct mail, phone, email, fax, voice and other media.


Which “secret” have you been using in your sales strategy? Share your experiences with us below!

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