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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

SEO Onboarding

Welcome to SEO Client Onboarding

Get started with our SEO services by providing essential information about your business and goals. We're here to help you boost your online presence, increase traffic, and achieve your digital marketing objectives. Fill out the form below to kickstart your SEO journey with us!

Briefly describe your business and the products or services you offer
Tell us about your ideal customer. What are their demographics, interests, and location?
Select your primary business goal(s) that you hope to achieve through SEO (choose one or more):
Are there any competitors you're aware of in your industry? Please provide any competitor names or websites if known:
Have you previously engaged in SEO or digital marketing efforts? If yes, please briefly describe your previous experiences:
Are there specific keywords or phrases that you believe are important for your business and should be targeted in SEO? If yes, please list them:
Do you have access to Google Analytics for your website?
If you have a Google My Business listing, please provide the GMB URL or business name
Do you have access to Google Search Console for your website?
Is there any other information or specific requirements you'd like to share with us? Feel free to provide any additional context or details here