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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Healthcare Website that Meets the Emotional Needs of Users

Healthcare Website Design is Meant to Address Human Needs — More Precisely Readers’ Emotional Needs.

Healthcare website design is a delicate matter to consider. It involves people’s lives and their well-being which is why its web design must be done with the utmost care, caution, and consideration for the users’ needs.

These websites are much more than just another website. They need to attract visitors to convert them into patients/clients. Healthcare companies should not only provide patients/clients with medical information but should also connect with them at a deeper level, even emotionally.

Healthcare Websites Should Include:

1. Its design must have a strong and easy-to-remember URL, which is simple but catchy at the same time. Healthcare websites should be reachable via Search Engines with words that will come in handy to users such as “dentist”, “clinic” or any other word that might pop up in Healthcare related searches.

The URL of the Healthcare website should be short (ideally under 2 words) so it does not intimidate the users. Usability and simplicity are key Healthcare website design principles especially when it comes to Healthcare websites. Healthcare websites must also include a strong tagline, the simpler the better. The tagline should express in a few words the Healthcare website’s purpose.

2. Healthcare websites should use large fonts and favor white space, which is especially important for users with vision disabilities or seniors who might have issues reading small texts. The contrast is also crucial for the design because this can positively affect the readability of the website. Contrast can mean the difference between a Healthcare website that’s easy to understand and one that’s visually overwhelming.

White space is an important Healthcare website design best practice, especially for healthcare site visitors who might be overwhelmed by text-heavy Healthcare websites. The feeling readers get when they see Healthcare sites without white space or with lots of tiny text in bold colors is not a positive one. Healthcare website design includes best practice recommendations that Healthcare web designers should follow because Healthcare involves people’s lives and their well-being.

3. Healthcare websites should include strong call-to-action buttons or links on all pages but especially on contact pages. It should also include buttons that encourage users to share the website on social media and email it to friends and family members. Healthcare websites must provide readers with a means to get in touch with the Healthcare company directly via a phone number or email address included in the websites’ bottom fold, where it is easily accessible.

4. It should use a modern Healthcare website design and avoid using outdated website designs that can easily turn off Healthcare visitors. Healthcare website design should be kept simple but at the same time, it must also include plenty of white space which is important for easy readability, especially for users with vision disabilities or seniors who might have issues reading small text on Healthcare websites. It should also use large fonts.

5. Healthcare website design must be clean and easy to navigate. It must feature an intuitive navigation menu that is easily accessible, clear, simple, and quick for visitors to spot where they can find what they are looking for; whether it is directions, phone numbers, or Healthcare website links.

Healthcare websites should also have a sitemap especially if Healthcare companies update their sites frequently. This is because a sitemap helps users find what they are looking for on the Healthcare company’s website with ease; without having to go through lengthy pages either by scrolling or searching for the information they need.

Healthcare website design should also include a Healthcare site search feature that helps visitors find what they are looking for on Healthcare websites easily and quickly.

6. Healthcare websites should use high-quality images but these must not slow down the site. So, it should limit the number of images used on Healthcare websites or speed up the download times of its images.

7. Healthcare websites must use social media buttons that are easy to find visitors can easily share Healthcare website links with their family and friends and/or on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and other favorite social media sites. Healthcare companies can also create a Healthcare blog where they can connect with Healthcare visitors.

8. These companies must be smart when it comes to Healthcare website design because they are being judged on their Healthcare websites. Their web design is an important factor in the way Healthcare visitors perceive Healthcare companies which goes a long way in shaping the image and perception of these companies.

Healthcare web designers have taken up this challenge upon themselves and they continuously strive to give their clients healthcare websites with different, unique website designs. Healthcare providers have to make a conscious choice when it comes to web design. Visitors should be able to see that Healthcare companies know what they are doing in Healthcare web design, while at the same time making sure Healthcare websites are aesthetically pleasing and look great on all sorts of devices such as mobile phones, tablets, or desktop computers and browsers.

Healthcare companies should also make their websites accessible to all devices including handheld mobile devices because more Healthcare visitors are using their handheld mobile devices to look up information about Healthcare providers.

We hope that you have found this information useful and will use these tips to increase your current search engine rankings. If you’d like to get help from us to do this for your website or design a beautiful new site with all of this included, please let us know about your project by clicking here.

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