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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

Flagman Giveaway Case Study or “Going Audience Hunting”

The goal of the giveaway was to grow the Flagman Store’s “web presence” – we wanted to build their audience.

But first, why build an audience at all?

When we do any kind of marketing activity, we are always trying to get our message in front of the most targeted audience that we can.

We want to make sure that we have a “list” (more about that later) of people who have interests that align with our brand, services or products. In a nutshell, we want to be able to reach people who will buy what we’re selling.

The audience is the people who would buy what we’re selling.


The internet makes it easy to build an audience that we can market to over and over again.

In the olden internet days, the only way to create this list was to beg, borrow and steal email addresses so we could email promotions to anyone that would listen. We still use those methods, but people are getting wise and they aren’t handing out their email addresses to everyone that asks any more.

So the problem is, how do we make a list of people who are interested in what you’re selling but don’t play fast and loose with their email address.

It starts with F…

…and ends with acebook.

Does your target market use Facebook? With 1.23 billion people logging on to the platform every day there’s a good chance your target market is hanging out there too.

Now that we know where to find them, all we need is the right bait.

In this example, we used a giveaway. A giveaway so great that no self-respecting Pats fan could  bear to scroll past it.

To catch them in our audience snare, all we had to do was encourage them to engage with our post. A simple “like” is all it takes to snag them for your list.

In this case we got 1,193 engagements



73 Loves

4 Wows

(And 5 people who I guess were angry that the Pats won or something)



We showed the ad to 13,557 people for just $5 per day (total spend over 13 days was $61.05)

Number of people captured in by our audience snare: 1,273 ($0.05 per catch)

That’s 1,273 people that we know are interested in Pats gear.

Since our client sells Pats gear, that’s a pretty sweet audience to hold on to for other marketing campaigns in the future.

Remember that it takes on average 7 touches before someone will buy something from you. This is a very inexpensive way to make that first touch with people interested in your stuff, plus a no-brainer way to touch them over and over again until they know, like and trust your brand.
All without begging for an email address!

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