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Established in 2010
Orange County, CA

[Case Study] VO Properties

I want to congratulate Teresa Vo on her new website:

She came to us with a vision for how she wanted her business to be presented to the market as she wasn’t happy with her low cost website solution that she had in place.

She was apprehensive at first because of all of the website companies that offer high end service, but really don’t truly deliver according to what the client wants.

Teresa trusted us with the most valuable asset in her business and now what she has, far exceeds her expectations and she was able to be in control of the process the entire time!

We worked with Teresa to get her design perfected, just the way she wanted it to be and the added features and functionality in order to attract the right customer, best suited for her business.

She’s been thrilled with the results and we’re glad to launch this website on her behalf from concept to publishing.

Congratulations Teresa! We’re very excited for you and your business!

If you need help with your online presence, and wish to have the same online success,let us know about your needs and we’ll evaluate if you would be a good fit for what we do

. Click here to fill out a client application.

The Clay Media

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